Use A Vibrator During Pregnancy Is Safe

Use A Vibrator

Use A Vibrator During Pregnancy Is Safe, Just Do it...

Many couples had sexual intercourse when his wife underwent a pregnancy. When sexual intercourse, most couples still use sex toy like a vibrator. Safe is it to the mother and the fetus?

Health experts say that the use of vibrators are safe for pregnant women suffered no interruption of pregnancy. If there are no complications of bleeding, the vibrator can be used during pregnancy, as reported by the Boldsky from the page,

However, we recommend that pregnant women avoid using the vibrator on the first trimester of pregnancy, especially if you have a problem pregnancy. For example, pregnancy-related complications such as miscarriage symptoms, then it is advisable to completely avoid the vibrator and penetrating sex.

In addition, if you are having problems up to the age of pregnancy the womb enlarged cervical problems, such as disorders of the placenta or other pregnancy problems, the use of a vibrator should be avoided.

Other warnings regarding the use of a vibrator while pregnant

Although there were no complications in the pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid the use of pemuas as a vibrator.

If you want to keep using it, we recommend that you clean it first before use. In addition, avoid borrowing sex toy with anyone because it can increase the risk of infections including sexually transmitted diseases.

Basically, although the use of a vibrator can give sexual satisfaction and help releaseoxytocin which launched a pregnancy, you may need to consult a doctor before doing any kind of sexual activity during pregnancy.

In addition, the need to understand myths surrounding vibrator. Some people think that Vibrators can speed up labor. It is not true, then it is not recommended to attempt such methods to trigger labor.
sex in married life will always be needed instead? The sex can be done even in conditions that are not unusual. While busy giving their time and diselala-sela-times as well as the condition of being pregnant though!

Then, is it pregnant women when the fuck is it safe? It turns out that in many experts who say that making love while pregnant is very safe to do. As long as your pregnancy is still categorized normal and have no risk.

There is also a fear that couples nih orgasm will cause a miscarriage or contractions. No need to worry about ya Ladies. Because the contractions that arose after orgasm on the expectant mother would surely occur. However, this type of kontraksinya distinctly different loh. You just need to lie down for a moment until the contractions disappeared Yes.

It's just that, the doctor usually prohibits pregnant women to fuck in the last months of pregnancy ya Ladies. Because, the previous contractions you feel will stimulate the birth of the child tables.

Another one for ya Ladies, in say if your pregnancy is normal and healthy, you can still have sex in any way as long as comfortable kok. Even using a vibrator is though! However to note is the cleanliness of tools Yes. In addition, keep the depth of the tool do not let the vibrator penetrating too deep. Because it will damage the amniotic water and hurting the placenta of the Ladies.

The placenta could hurt so will make your baby was born prematurely. This is happening right Ladies? So, keep a cautious Yes.


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